Tuesday, November 26, 2019
Sample Psychoanalysis Essay example
Sample Psychoanalysis Essay example Sample: Psychoanalysis Essay example Running head: WHAT PSYCHOANALYSIS ADD 1 What Does Psychoanalysis Add to the World of Psychology? Chandra Johnson Victory University WHAT DOES PSYCHOANALYSIS ADD 2 Psychoanalysis was founded by Sigmund Freud (1916-1917). Freud focuses on the unconscious mind on behavior. Freud theories changed how people think about the human mind and behavior which left a huge mark on psychology. Psychoanalysis therapy purpose is to overcome repressed emotions and past experiences. Depression and anxiety disorders are commonly treated by psychoanalysis. Psychoanalysis is a school of psychology that deals with the unconscious. Other psychologist like Wundt did not agree with Freud theory because it was unable to apply the method of introspection to the unconscious. â€Å"Most people now admit that the Freudian scheme is a brilliant addition to our knowledge of the causes forgetting and of mistakes.†(American Psychological Assoc.) Freud believed that the human mind was composed of three elements: the id, the ego, and the superego. The id is the personality component made of unconscious physic energy that wor ks to satisfy basic urges, needs, and desires. â€Å"For example, people who are hungry must act to find food if they expect to discharge the tension induced by hunger. Therefore, some functional like between the id’s demands and reality must be established.†(Schultz and Schultz pg 310) The ego is the part of personality that mediates the demands of the id, the superego, and reality. According to Schultz and Schultz, â€Å"the ego is aware of reality, manipulates it, and regulates the id accordingly.†(pg 310) The three element of Freud would be the superego. The superego is â€Å"the moral aspect of personality derived from internalizing parental and societal values and standards.†(Schultz and Schultz pg 310) Psychoanalysis subject matter is psychopathology, or abnormal behavior, relatively neglected by other schools of thought. So many of the schools of psychology deals with WHAT PSYCHOANALYSIS ADD 3 controlled laboratory experimentation where psychoanalysis primary deals with clinical observation. There are three major sources of influence on psychoanalysis that are key points in psychoanalysis. One would be philosophical speculations about unconscious psychological phenomena. The second source would be the early ideas about psychopathology, and the last source is evolutionary. The beginning of psychoanalysis came from The Studies on Hysteria which was published by Freud and Brewer. Even though this book was a reflection of psychoanalysis Freud did not use the word psychoanalysis until years later. Psychoanalysis opened a new view on mental illness, which suggests a person could help relieve symptoms of psychological distress by talking with a professional. This is one assumption I find to be true since it helped me to cope with my hidden secret of being molested as a child by my grandfather and other family members. I was not able to discuss the incident without getting upset or experiencing a major headach e until I seek professional help. The more I talked about my childhood experiences the better I felt and the clearly my understanding became to why I felt and acted the way I did as a young adult. Not only did it help me to move forward in my life it also answered questions I would able to before. Psychoanalysis deals with the unconscious of the mind, which is the stage where in when dreaming. Now that I have began to talk about my childhood problems I can understand some of the dreams I use to have of an old man changing me. Once a person analyze his or her dreams it become conscious and that person can then began to understand the unconscious thought. For me once I began to talk about being molested I began to repressed conflicts to consciousness and it was then I began to overcome by depression about what I was feeling. WHAT PSYCHOANALYSIS ADD 4 Psychoanalysis help
Saturday, November 23, 2019
Population Decline in Russia
Population Decline in Russia Russian President Vladimir Putin recently directed his nations parliament to develop a plan to reduce the countrys falling birthrate. In a speech to parliament on May 10, 2006, Putin called the problem of Russias dramatically declining population, The most acute problem of contemporary Russia. The president called on parliament to provide incentives for couples to have a second child to increase the birth rate in order to stop the countrys plummeting population. Russias population peaked in the early 1990s (at the time of the end of the Soviet Union) with about 148 million people in the country. Today, Russias population is approximately 143 million. The United States Census Bureau estimates that Russias population will decline from the current 143 million to a mere 111 million by 2050, a loss of more than 30 million people and a decrease of more than 20%. The primary causes of Russias population decrease and loss of about 700,000 to 800,000 citizens each year are a high death rate, low birth rate, high rate of abortions, and a low level of immigration. High Death Rate Russia has a very high death rate of 15 deaths per 1000 people per year. This is far higher than the worlds average death rate of just under 9. The death rate in the U.S. is 8 per 1000 and for the United Kingdom its 10 per 1000. Alcohol-related deaths in Russia are very high and alcohol-related emergencies represent the bulk of emergency room visits in the country. With this high death rate, Russian life expectancy is low- the World Health Organization estimates the life expectancy of Russian men at 59 years while womens life expectancy is considerably better at 72 years. This difference is primarily a result of high rates of alcoholism among males. Low Birth Rate Understandably, due to these high rates of alcoholism and economic hardship, women feel less than encouraged to have children in Russia. Russias total fertility rate is low at 1.3 births per woman. This number represents the number of children each Russian woman has during her lifetime. A replacement total fertility rate to maintain a stable population is 2.1 births per woman. Obviously, with such a low total fertility rate Russian women are contributing to a declining population. The birth rate in the country is also quite low; the crude birth rate is 10 births per 1000 people. The world average is just over 20 per 1000 and in the U.S. the rate is 14 per 1000. Abortion Rates During the Soviet era, abortion was quite common and was utilized as a method of birth control. That technique remains common and quite popular today, keeping the countrys birth rate exceptionally low. According to a Russian news source, there are more abortions than births in Russia. The online news source mosnews.com reported that in 2004 1.6 million women had abortions in Russia while 1.5 million gave birth. In 2003, the BBC reported that Russia had, 13 terminations for every 10 live births. Immigration Additionally, immigration into Russia is low- immigrants are primarily a trickle of ethnic Russians moving out of former republics (but now independent countries) of the Soviet Union. Brain drain and emigration from Russia to Western Europe and other parts of the world is high as native Russians seek to better their economic situation. Putin himself explored the issues surrounding the low birth rate during his speech, asking What has prevented a young family, a young woman, from making this decision? The answers are obvious: low incomes, a lack of normal housing, doubts about the level of medical services and quality education. At times, there are doubts about the ability to provide enough food.
Thursday, November 21, 2019
Cisplatin-Incorporated Polymeric Micelles (NC-6004) Essay
Cisplatin-Incorporated Polymeric Micelles (NC-6004) - Essay Example The CDDP-incorporated micelle is well suited between its sufficient ability so that it can delay the blood stream circulation. It also boosts enough drug release to remove the pharmacological action. The dissociation of these micelles that form unimers permits the extraction of constituent polymers from the body. It is usually followed by a CDDP release. The low risk of the body possessing the non specific accumulation of polymers is achieved by the molecular weight of the micelle forming blocks being less than the smallest value needed for extraction of glomerular (Mr 42,000-50,000 for synthetic polymers that are soluble in water; Refs. 46, 47). It could be expelled into urine. The study of tumour targeting therapy is recently applying 2 strategies; passive and active targeting. Passive targeting revolves around extended blood circulation with lower accretions in regular organs executed by the design of drug carriers. Tumour tissues that have anatomical characteristics might let the special accretion of the drug carrier in the tumour. The formation of tumour-specific anatomical characteristics is caused by the EPR effect (16-18). This effect is categorized by impaired lymphatic and vascular hypermeability. The excess expression of the vascular endothelial growth factor gene (48-50) and other factors could arise the permeability of the vessels. The passive targeting is relevant when treating solid tumours because the EPR results are evident in them (49-50). This owes to the fact that angiogenesis supports the abnormal tumour growth. Otherwise, active targeting is highly advised when drug vehicle with tumour-derived specific markers (22, 54) is connected to the tumour cells. It is applied during the wiping out of the tumour cells selectively through an accura te strap of targeting moieties. The prolonged blood circulation and the
Tuesday, November 19, 2019
Analysis Paper Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Analysis Paper - Essay Example Moreover, he has even-keel temperament and has ability for consensus-building. He's also a talented, introspective writer. However, Barrack Obama is more discussed from political and presidential point of view. This research paper discusses different forums where people have given their true opinions or reflections about Mr. Barack Obama. Reflections on Barack Obama The people opinions or reflections from online blogs, social networking websites, newspapers and articles are summarized as follows Online Blogs In an online blog, answering a question an individual stated that Barak Obama is the best president up till now the US has elected (Scifiman, 2007). Another user commented that he is a very courageous man who is continuously trying his best to satisfy the needs of the country. Moreover, his promise to make Washington work more transparent is appreciated. People have remarked him as hard worker who hasn’t turned his back on anyone. Some people appreciate the work of Mr. Oba ma commenting that all countries must have a president like him to make world a safer and gentle planet (Newbie, 2007). People have wished him success in all upcoming years and want him back again as president of US. Moreover, people believe that he is the one who will keep promise to strengthen US nation and will improve the lives of American nation (Troxler, 2008). Cammillie (n.d.) says that President Obama is better than the rest of the people and therefore he should be re-elected. Sarcastically, some people view him as best teleprompter reading (Sheltan, 2007). Although, he did well very little; but his speeches are heard by many. Moreover, Orson Scott Card (2008) comments that Obama's limited attitude about global warming and energy will add cost burden on America's poor people. Obama’s views on war are disagreed by most of the people. Deborah (n.d.) says that US must now stop invading other as the burden is shifted towards American taxpayer. Paying taxes kills American people. Moreover, people are against war which has resulted in sowing many social evil factors within American society such as drug abuse, disability, depression etc. People are more of view to have peaceful life. Rossmarie (n.d.) says that Obama is deceiving US nation by pretending that he is a transparent, moderate and unifying candidate. Moreover, he is destroying US military. Bobbie (n.d.) comments that Barrack Obama is a cold-hearted US hater who is somewhat responsible for the high debt that the country is facing in its history. Social Networking Websites Barack Obama is being discussed on Social media websites as well such as face book and twitter. Many face book pages are created on Barack Obama were people writes their comments, add videos, images etc. A quick survey of face book page shows that more people like him as their leader and have positive reviews regarding his presidency. The only thing that people discourages about his leadership is the increased tax burdens and war killings. However, besides appreciating US president, some people are against him and do not like his leadership. Slogans such as Go-Obama and No-Obama were observed my few individuals (Barrack Obama (b), 2012.). Similarly, social networking users have tweeted Barack Obama’s page on Twitter where the people’s opinion and discussions are same as that in face book (Barrack Obama News, 2012). Newspapers and articles New York Times has encouraged Obama as his victory is evidenced as he took
Sunday, November 17, 2019
Les Miserables Essay Example for Free
Les Miserables Essay Les Miserables (the title is the same in French and English) is the most well-known of Victor Hugo’s novels. It describes the miserable life of French workers, and especially their children. Hugo calls for social action to improve the unfortunate poor’s lives. This excerpt describes the character Marius, and how he has worked very hard to succeed in life. Excerpt from Les Miserables by Victor Hugo (1802-1885) Misery is the same with anything else. As time passes, it gradually becomes bearable. Marius had emerged from the narrow passage of his life; now the path widened out a bit. Through sheer hard work, courage, and a strong will, he had managed to earn around seven hundred francs a year. He had learned English and German. Thanks to Courfeyrac, the man who introduced him to his publisher friend, Marius held a position in the literary department of the publishing house, where he filled the useful role of utility. He wrote prospectuses, translated articles from journals, annotated publications, compiled biographies, and so on. His net gain, year in, year out, was seven hundred francs. He was able to survive on this income. How? Not badly. Here is how he lived. For a yearly rent of thirty francs, Marius lived in a miserable little room without a fireplace in the Gorbeau tenement. There was only a bare minimum of furniture which belonged to him. He paid the old woman who took care of the building a sum three francs a month to sweep his room, and bring him some warm water, a fresh egg, and a small loaf of bread every morning. This egg and bread cost him between two and four cents, because eggs varied in price. At six o’clock in the evening, he went downstairs to eat dinner at Rousseau’s in the Rue Saint Jacques. He had no soup, but he ate a plate of meat for six pennies, half a plate of vegetables for three pennies, and a dessert for the same price. As for bread, he could eat as much as he liked for three pennies, but instead of wine, he drank water. Then he paid at the counter, where Madame Rousseau sat majestically, a large woman with a pleasant face. She would smile as Marius handed the waiter a one penny tip. Then he left the restaurant. For a total of sixteen cents, he got a dinner and a smile. †¦.. Marius had two complete suits, one of them old, that he wore for everyday use, and the other one new, which he wore on special occasions. Both suits were black. He owned only three shirts: the one he had on, another one that was in the bureau drawer, and the third one that was at the laundry woman’s. When they wore out, he replaced them with new ones, but generally, his shirts were ragged, so he buttoned his coat up to his chin. To reach this stage of prosperity, it had taken Marius many hard, difficult years: years of barely getting by, and years of trudging along. He had never once given up. He had struggled and done without, he had been through every hardship, except going into debt. Instead of borrowing money, he went without food. There had been many days of fasting. During all his hard times, he actually felt encouraged, and sometimes he even felt a certain inner strength. In addition to the memory of his father, Marius carried the memory of Thà ©nardier in his heart. He envisioned the man surrounded by a halo, the brave sergeant Thà ©nardier who had saved his father, a colonel, when he found him among the cannon fire and bullets at Waterloo. Marius always kept the memory of this man together with the memory of his father, and he felt great admiration for them both. It was a bit like a form of worship in two steps. The high altar was reserved for his father the colonel, and the low one for Thà ©nardier. His feelings of gratitude for the man were strengthened by the knowledge that Thà ©nardier had suffered a horrible misfortune. Marius found out that as an unlucky innkeeper, Thà ©nardier had gone bankrupt. After learning this, Marius made countless efforts to track down the miserable Thà ©nardier, who had disappeared. Marius blamed and hated himself for not being able to locate him. He felt that the only debt his father had left him was to succeed in finding Thà ©nardier. Marius felt it was his duty to pay him that tribute. â€Å"After all,†he thought, â€Å"when my father lay dying on the battlefield, it was Thà ©nardier who was able to find him through the smoke, and carry him away on his shoulders. Yet he owed Thà ©nardier nothing, whereas I, who owe so much to Thà ©nardier, cannot get to him in his time of darkness and suffering. I cannot, in my turn, restore him to life. Oh! I will find him!â€
Thursday, November 14, 2019
Cloning: Is It Ethical? Essay -- Cloning Science Biology Essays Papers
Cloning: Is It Ethical? Science today is developing at warp speed. We have the capability to do many things, which include the cloning of actual humans! First you may ask what a clone is? A clone is a group of cells or organisms, which are genetically identical, and have all been produced from the same original cell. There are three main types of cloning, two of which aim to produce live cloned offspring and one, which simply aims to produce stem cells and then human organs. These three are: reproductive cloning, embryo cloning and therapeutic cloning. The goal of therapeutic cloning is to produce a healthy copy of a sick person's tissue or organ for transplant, and the goal of both reproductive cloning and embryo cloning is to produce and actual living breathing organism. There have been many debates on the issue of cloning, but the main question that we have to ask ourselves is, is cloning ethical? I believe that cloning is totally immoral, but I feel that in order to understand its morality and our obligations we have to first look at both sides of the argument, as in most cases, to fully understand the whole picture. In this essay I will examine the pros and cons of cloning and then I will unpack the morality of cloning. As I stated and as we all know there are pros and cons to almost everything. Cloning is not exempt from this. In the eyes of some cloning is perfectly acceptable. Some people argue that cloning is the logical next step in reproductive technology. Identical twins are natural clones, so reproductive cloning can be regarded as a technological version of a natural process. If couples are infertile, why shouldn’t they be able to produce clones of themselves? If a couple lost a child, why shouldn’t they... ... in sin, that grace may abound? God forbid. In conclusion cloning in any way shape or form is not moral. Although There have been many debates over the issue of cloning we need to look at the big picture, and that is what would God say about it. The fact that there may be some good about cloning means nothing. If the cons outweight the pros why continue? Scripture clearly shows us that the means to cloning is sinful, and will lead to more sin. It is hard to look at any of this evidence and say that God is blessing this and that it will help humanity, when everything about it is contrary to the word of God. We need to know and be happy that God made us unique and special for a reason, and that is to bring honor and glory to him. Know this, â€Å"that the LORD he is God: it is he that hath made us, and not we ourselves; we are his people, and the sheep of his pasture.â€
Tuesday, November 12, 2019
Journey to the West Essay
Growing up, we all had our favorite stories. My personal favorite was the Harry Potter series; I spent hours and hours immersed in those books. For a lot of Chinese children however, the story they grew up with was called Journey to the West, or XiYouJi. This story was written by Wu Cheng’en, an author who lived during the 16th century in the Ming dynasty. A very famous piece of literature, it is considered one of the Four Great Classical Novels of Chinese Literature. The novel starts by telling the story of SunWuKong, who was born from a rock. He went on to learn 72 polymorphic transformations and becomes super powerful, powerful enough to challenge the Taoist Gods. The story goes on to tell about SunWuKong’s great rebellion against heaven, where he basically goes around and beats up everyone in the sky by himself. Eventually however, his arrogance leads to his downfall, and the Buddha manages to trap him under a mountain for five hundred years. The story then jumps to the introduction of Tang XuanZang, who is instructed by the Gods to go east to India on a pilgrimage and retrieve the Buddhist Sutras. After setting out on his journey, Xuan Zang bumps into SunWuKong who is still trapped under a mountain. With the help from the gods, Xuan Zang frees SunWuKong and takes him on as a disciple. He also meets a pig named ZhuBaJie and an ogre named ShaWuJing. Together, the 4 of them walk west towards their eventual goal of LeiYingSi. Along the way, they encounter nine thousand nine hundred eighty one hardships, including crossing treacherous rivers, fighting off monsters who want to eat XuanZang, and battling through a mountain of fire. The majority of the book describes their journey from the Tang Capitol, all the way to LeiYingSi. Once they arrive at their destination, they retrieve the sutras and return to China.
Saturday, November 9, 2019
Nepotism Essay
Workers who are the most innovative or productive or those who possess visionary leadership are inevitably propelled to the top of the working ladder. This is the image many people have of the workplace. In reality, the practice of favoring and promoting relatives, more commonly known as nepotism (Employee Issues), is widely practiced in companies large and small across the country. The dangers of nepotism to your company shouldn’t be overlooked. It is not only wise to promote antinepotism policies but also to regularly monitor ones staff to ensure that such relationships have not developed. Some problems nepotism can cause is a disruption of the work day, unfair treatment between employees and unfair job opportunities, and favoritism. One of the chief complaints in a company that operates through nepotism is the obvious lack of fairness. Perceived favoritism of a relative can cause dissatisfaction amongst the workers and it can lower morale in the workplace. Employees may have less incentive to perform their jobs diligently and proficiently if they feel that the path to promotion is undermined by nepotism. Although, a company employing such tactics may find its more valuable employees seeking new employment where their talent is better recognized. At a minimum, workers will likely complain and become bitter and less productive in the face of blatant nepotism. Gill Corkindale, a writer for Harvard Business Online, described a typical workplace scenario involving nepotism at a newspaper for which she used to work. A young, inexperienced colleague was hired in her department, and she actually spent several months helping him adjust to his role at the paper. Soon after, the young colleague was promoted to become her b oss. Only then did she discover that he was actually an editor’s nephew. Given the nephew’s effortless and unwarranted promotion, Corkindale ended up leaving the paper (Corkindale). Another disruption to workflow in a business is the worry and risk of lawsuits. Even though very few laws regulate nepotism at either the state or federal level. In fact, some states have no laws prohibiting the practice. Nevertheless, the consequences of nepotism may increase your risk of being sued for discrimination or hostile work environment. For instance, personal relationships and fraternization between coworkers often lead to over the top breakups and emotional trauma at the office. One of the parties may accuse the other of sexual harassment or of creating a hostile work environment, especially if one of the parties is a supervisor. It can also have a bad effect on the management position. Subordinates will likely take a dim view of an employer’s ethics and judgment when they hire their friends for job openings. Cronyism, a partiality towards hiring close supporters, may suggest that the employer is weak, insecure and requires a network of allies to support their decisions. In addition to inspiring little confidence in their power and authority, a boss who embraces nepotism is deemed unlikely to make fair assessments of others’ accomplishments, especially when it comes to promotional opportunities. Nor will workers think such an employer can be relied upon to dispense appropriate discipline if the guilty party happens to be a friend. There are, of course, exceptions to this train of thought. Hiring someone you know means that you are already attuned to their strengths and weaknesses and feel comfortable that they know how you think. If the friendship is longstanding and secure, they have a vested i nterest in not letting you down and in maintaining the professionalism to keep both halves of your lives appropriately separate. The employee that is â€Å"favored†is also at risk of judgment. Even if the friend of the employer is truly the best qualified in the candidate pool, they enter the workplace equation under an immediate cloud of suspicion. Everything they do could be scrutinized for signs of incompetence. Every decision they make could be challenged to test their allegiance. Every friendship they attempt to make could be interpreted as just a ploy to learn secrets and report back to the boss. Although the respect of their coworkers may eventually be won if the worker proves himself worthy, the stress of being watched, judged and distrusted in the interim can take an emotional and physical toll. One should not forget about a very important aspect of any work place. This aspect is, of course, the worker’s morale. Having good or bad morale can easily make or break a company. Nepotism can foster hostile feelings of inequality that employees may react to in one of two ways. The first is to repeatedly undermine the favored worker’s capabilities and attempt to sabotage their projects. These efforts to get them fired, however, can result in costly mistakes and loss of time which can then potentially impact customer relations. The second reaction is an attitude of defeat. If employees assume that promotions and perks will always go friends of the boss, they will likely feel less inclined to do their best work to distinguish themselves. Resentment and indifference can lead to reduced productivity as well as employee turnover if workers decide that nothing will ever get better. According to Dr. Stephen Asma, who is in full support of nepotism, favoritism(nepotism) is used more as a scapegoat. He states that â€Å"fairness†is redirected to words like tolerance and generosity, as opposed to â€Å"favoritism†which is related to words like corruption and prejudice. He says having these preconceived notions automatically labels the situation as good or bad, people just automatically assume that it’s a bad thing that the new employee is related to or has a close relationship with the boss (Asma). Adam Bellow states in his book In Praise of Nepotism that â€Å"Americans censure nepotism on the one hand and practice it as much as they can on the other. There’s much to be said for â€Å"good†nepotism, which is fortunate, because we’re living in a nepotistic Golden Age†(Bellow). In his book he talks heavily about politicians and how a lot of them were born into their roles. Along with being pretty talented politici ans, they have the extra help coming from their status their parents had built for them, but he doesn’t state that this is a bad thing. Bellow says that having that image put on them, gives them the attention they need to get their ideas across, which has been a great gateway to finding a lot of our most famous politicians in history (Bellow). When it comes to something as touchy as favoritism or nepotism in the workplace, there are definitely many opinions on the topic. Each side can give a relatively solid argument but when it comes to most people, especially employees of businesses, they are wanting fair treatment between everyone. In my own opinion, I feel nepotism has no place in the workplace, every employee should have the same treatment and opportunities available to them. In conclusion, this essay has went over how nepotism affects the workplace in most every aspect, the unfair treatment between employees and unfair opportunities it can create, and what favoritism does. A person chooses a career because they really enjoy that field of work and they want to be successful in it, but when an obstacle enters the picture and stunts your ability to move forward in your career it can have dire consequences. Lastly, looking at all the evidence and facts, I feel nepotism should be a very closely watched incident in ever y business as to ensure fair treatment between all of the employees. Works Cited Asma, Stephen. â€Å"The Upside of Nepotism.†Psychology Today. 12 January, 2013. Web. 3 December, 2013. Bellow, Adam. â€Å"The Atlantic.†Editorial. Atlantic 1 July 2013: The Atlantic. The Atlantic, 1 July 2003. Web. 03 December, 2013. Cammeron, Brenna. â€Å"Six Tales of Top-level Workplace Nepotism.†BBC.com. 21 August 2013. Web. 12 November 2013. . Corkindale, Gill. â€Å"Nepotism: Wrong for the Workplace?†Harvard Business Review. Harvard, 17 October 2007. Web. 3 December 2013. Edwards, Timothy. â€Å"Issue: Whether Nepotism Constitutes a Conflict of Interest Under the Code of Ethics?†Advisory Opinion 95-11-1133. King County, Washington – Department of Information & Administrative Services, 18 June 1998. Web. 12 November 2013 http://www.metrokc.gov/ethics/1133.html Goff, Keli. â€Å"In Defense of Nepotism and Classism at the New York Times.†The Huffington Post. 21 August 2013. Web. 12 November 2013. . Green, Michael Z. â€Å"D o Anti-Nepotism Policies Avoid or Create Unfair Treatment?†, 1998. 12 November 2013 http://www.nlfpc.com/publications/archive/art27.html Huerta, Timothy. General Manager, Associated Students, Inc. – California State University, Los Angeles. 4 April 2000. Recorded Interview on the topic of Anti-Nepotism. 12 November 2013 â€Å"Nepotism†Employee Issues. Web. 12 November 2013. Risser, Rita. â€Å"What are Legal Risks of Anti-Nepotism Policies?†, Fair Measures. Santa Cruz, 1997. Web. 12 November 2013. http://www.fairmeasures.com/asklawyer/archive/summer97/ask120.html Shawe. â€Å"MD Court of Special Appeals to Determine Lawfulness of Employer’s Anti-Nepotism Policy†, Network Publication Inc. 2.97. Baltimore, MD. 1997. Web. 12 November 2013 http://www.shawe.com/nepotism.html
Thursday, November 7, 2019
Free Essays on American Women In The Vietnam War
The Vietnam War is one of the most debated topics of the twentieth century- this is reflected in the endless amount of books, articles, documentaries, and Hollywood productions that have emerged about the topic. Much of the historiography of the conflict, as well as mainstream popular literature on the war, all share a disturbing omission- very few include any thoughtful reflection whatsoever on the role that American women served in Vietnam. There are very few works devoted to this important part of women’s history, and the ones that exist are primary sources- mostly collections of personal narratives of those women who served. Hardly any scholarly work done on the topic- most secondary sources that are available are not by professional historians. Scholarly articles were practically non-existent in history journals- most appeared in nursing journals and focused more on the medical aspects. Most general books and texts on the Vietnam War (including Moss’ Vietnam, An American Ordeal, Fourth Edition) gloss over, if not skip entirely, the role of women in Vietnam. So why have historians not chose to look at this topic in greater detail, especially since there have been multiple studies on women in the other American wars? There are a few possible explanations as to why there is such a lack of scholarly study of this historically-important group of American women. Many of the official military and Department of Defense records are scarce, spotty, and incomplete. It is still unclear how man American women, military and nonmilitary, served in Vietnam. Statistics on civilian women who served in Vietnam are even harder to gather. Another possible reason these women have been ignored is that they were comparatively small number and many Americans simply do not realize that women played an active role in the U.S. war effort. The women that most Americans remember from this era fell into two archetypes- the wives and other fa... Free Essays on American Women In The Vietnam War Free Essays on American Women In The Vietnam War The Vietnam War is one of the most debated topics of the twentieth century- this is reflected in the endless amount of books, articles, documentaries, and Hollywood productions that have emerged about the topic. Much of the historiography of the conflict, as well as mainstream popular literature on the war, all share a disturbing omission- very few include any thoughtful reflection whatsoever on the role that American women served in Vietnam. There are very few works devoted to this important part of women’s history, and the ones that exist are primary sources- mostly collections of personal narratives of those women who served. Hardly any scholarly work done on the topic- most secondary sources that are available are not by professional historians. Scholarly articles were practically non-existent in history journals- most appeared in nursing journals and focused more on the medical aspects. Most general books and texts on the Vietnam War (including Moss’ Vietnam, An American Ordeal, Fourth Edition) gloss over, if not skip entirely, the role of women in Vietnam. So why have historians not chose to look at this topic in greater detail, especially since there have been multiple studies on women in the other American wars? There are a few possible explanations as to why there is such a lack of scholarly study of this historically-important group of American women. Many of the official military and Department of Defense records are scarce, spotty, and incomplete. It is still unclear how man American women, military and nonmilitary, served in Vietnam. Statistics on civilian women who served in Vietnam are even harder to gather. Another possible reason these women have been ignored is that they were comparatively small number and many Americans simply do not realize that women played an active role in the U.S. war effort. The women that most Americans remember from this era fell into two archetypes- the wives and other fa...
Tuesday, November 5, 2019
A Study Guide for Act 3 of Hamlet
A Study Guide for Act 3 of 'Hamlet' If youve never read Shakespeare, reading Hamlet, the bards longest play, may be a daunting task, but this breakdown of all the scenes in Act 3 can help. Use this study guide to familiarize yourself with the themes and plot points of this pivotal part of the tragedy. Doing so can help you know what to look for as you read Hamlet in class or on your own at home. If youve already read the drama, use the guide to review any developments that you need to better understand or overlooked the first time around. If youre preparing to take a test or write a paper about Hamlet, be mindful of what your teacher has said about the play in class. Highlight any theme or plot development you think you can use to support a thesis statement or expound upon in a persuasive essay. Act 3, Scene 1 Polonius and Claudius arrange to secretly watch a meeting between Hamlet and Ophelia. When they meet, Hamlet denies any affection for her which further confuses Polonius and Claudius. They decide that either Gertrude can get to the root of Hamlet’s â€Å"madness†or he will be sent to England. Act 3, Scene 2 Hamlet directs the actors in a play to depict his father’s murder, as he hopes to study Claudius’ reaction to this. Claudius and Gertrude leave during the performance. Rosencrantz and Guildenstern inform Hamlet that Gertrude wants to speak to him. Act 3, Scene 3 Polonius arranges to secretly listen to the conversation between Hamlet and Gertrude. When alone, Claudius speaks of his conscience and guilt. Hamlet enters from behind and draws his sword to kill Claudius but decides that it would be wrong to kill a man while praying. Act 3, Scene 4 Hamlet is about to reveal Claudius’ villainy to Gertrude when he hears someone behind the curtain. Hamlet thinks it is Claudius and thrusts his sword through the arras – he has killed Polonius. Hamlet reveals all and speaks to the ghost. Gertrude, who cannot see the apparition, is now convinced of Hamlet’s madness. Wrapping Up Now that youve read the guide, review the plot points. What did you learn about the characters? What are Hamlets intentions? Did his plan for Claudius work? What does Gertrude now think of Hamlet? Is she right or wrong to have these views? Why does Hamlets relationship with Ophelia appear to be so complicated? As you answer these questions and inevitably think of your own, jot them down. This will help you remember how the scenes of Act 3 unfolded and help you categorize the information in a way that may make it easier for you to come up with an outline for an essay or similar assignment on Hamlet. Take the same approach with the other acts in the play, and you will have organized the plot developments into a very handy study guide.
Sunday, November 3, 2019
E-Logistics and International Supply Chain Management Research Paper - 1
E-Logistics and International Supply Chain Management - Research Paper Example  According to the present day context, the aerospace industry of Singapore incorporates a major set of factors that are subjected to attain the interest and attention of the global marketers to expand their manufacturing plants (Low, 2001). In relation to an in-depth understanding of the case, it has been critically recognized that the external environmental factors along with adequate resources and capabilities associated with the Seletar Aerospace Park in Singapore are highly effective for the international manufacturers to produce a wide range of quality based aerospace parts with a feasible or lower amount of cost. With regard to the major motivational reasons for Rolls-Royce’s decision, a few major factors can be widely accepted behind the selection of Singapore as the production plant location for the company (Singapore Economic Development Board, 2014; Grant, 2014). The major motivational factors of the company have been briefly described in the following section.Acc ording to the observation of the article, it has been identified that the political factor is one of the key driving factors for Rolls-Royce to select Singapore as its plant location for manufacturing titanium fan blades (Grant, 2014). The adequate stability along with transparent political system and practices of Singapore is more sophisticated as compared to the other developing nations that can enable the organization to independently perform its manufacturing operations with a minimum or less numb of constraints. Â
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